Area Riders Spending Summer Pedaling the World on One, Two and Three Wheels
July 10, 2009
For many cyclists, summer truly starts in July, when the Tour de France ramps up and the bike buzz centers on the drama unfolding during the world’s most prestigious road race.
Cyclists tell of Bumps, Bruises and a Love of Their Sport
August 7, 2009
Driving in downtown Santa Cruz last week, I watched the cyclist in front of me. He was correctly positioned in the center of the lane, preparing to turn left into the driveway of a business. To my horror, he missed the driveway and smashed head-on into a sign-post.
Veterans and Newbies Alike Gear up for Cyclocross Race Season
September 11, 2009
Livia Peras plans to take the plunge this fall and try a sport that has intrigued her for years. She now has the bicycle, the fitness and the desire to try cyclocross, a type of bicycle racing that combines skills used by road and mountain bike riders.
Fall Finds Santa Cruz Cyclists at Home and Abroad
October 2, 2009
October is a pivotal month for cyclists of all stripes in Santa Cruz.
Changing Gears — A Cyclist Goes on a Running Vacation
October 30, 2009
My sister looked at me with incredulity. “You’re going on a running vacation?” she asked. “You don’t run!” She was right. But I had already signed up and was flying to Costa Rica for a seven-day organized trip called “The Coastal Experiences.”
Santa Cruz Bike Dojo Offers Newbies Training, Wheels
November 27, 2009
Say the word “dojo” and most people think of martial arts, but Rob Mylls would like you to think of bicycles. “The Japanese term is used for a place of training for martial arts,” said Mylls, “but I added the word ‘bicycle.’”
A Wish List for Santa Cruz Cyclists in 2010
December 25, 2009
As 2009 speeds toward the finish line, it’s time for reflection and planning for the year ahead for cyclists of all stripes. Here in Spin City, I offer you food for thought about your upcoming plans.
Popularity Contest — Discover the Top 5 Events of 2010 A Wish List for Santa Cruz Cyclists in 2010
January 22, 2010
Even stormy weather won’t slow down determined cyclists. We keep training indoors or at least make plans for sunnier spring days.