Leveraging Your Professional Network, Building Your Business with LinkedIn
Mentor: Karen Kefauver As a business networking tool, LinkedIn continues to expand its range of ways for business owners to build an online presence...
Finding the Tweet Spot: Twittering for Traffic and Brand Recognition
Mentor: Karen Kefauver What do Barack Obama, Lance Armstrong and a food delivery truck in L.A. have in common? They have all harnessed the power of...
Sport and Spirit: Shaman Brant
Secunda and six-time Ironman champ Mark Allen team up for a Sport and Spirit workshop November 25, 2000 Santa Cruz County Sentinel By KAREN KEFAUVER...
San Diego Bike Tour: Gently rolling with the punches
At the back of the pack, a cyclist finds some fine scenery February 27, 2000 San Jose Mercury News By KAREN KEFAUVER During my first bike tour in 15...
Musician turns bike-making hobby into a business with worldwide sales
October 31, 2003 Santa Cruz County Sentinel By KAREN KEFAUVER SANTA CRUZ — Paul Sadoff’s small Westside shop is crammed with bicycles. More...
Sea Otter Classic bike competition starts today
April 14, 2005 Santa Cruz County Sentinel By KAREN KEFAUVER Cameron McCaul got his first bicycle at a toy store when he was 15 years old. When he...