Recipe for success: Mother, daughter specialize in meal preparation
March 29, 2004 Santa Cruz Sentinel By KAREN KEFAUVER SANTA CRUZ—Jody Lombardo knows the challenge of balancing family and career, especially when it...
Not Your Usual Tourist Trap — It’s a Trapeze Clamber up and strap on: It’s the only way to fly
September 10, 2000
San Jose Mercury News
Ironwomen: Santa Cruz County’s delegation to Hawaii race all female
October 16, 2003 Santa Cruz County Sentinel By KAREN KEFAUVER Julie Moss changed the sport of triathlon forever with her stunning performance at the...
Snowboarders Are Increasingly Donning Helmets Before Hitting the Slopes
September 30, 2004 For MedicinePlanet By Karen Kefauver You won’t catch Celeste Faraola doing a Front Flip (a kind of forward no-hands cartwheel) or...
Olympics Aside, There’s Lots of Cool Stuff To Do in Whistler This Winter
February 1, 2010 By KAREN KEFAUVER Whether or not you scored primo — or for that matter, any — tickets to the Winter Olympic Games or...
Bearing their cross: Cyclo-cross plenty friendly to the first-timer giving it a go
October 9, 2003 Santa Cruz County Sentinel By KAREN KEFAUVER Goldiberry Skeel was not discouraged by falling off her bike and losing a shoe at her...
Dirt jumper’s victory concludes Sea Otter
April 18 , 2005 Santa Cruz County Sentinel By KAREN KEFAUVER MONTEREY—The final day of the 15th annual Sea Otter Classic showcased the talents of...